Monthly Archives: June 2012

2012/06/06 – Tabata (lat jumps)

Weigh-in: 177#

Finally managed to shave 1# off from last weekends debauchery. I’m feeling nervous about the next few days due to dinners and a birthday party, but I’ll have to make it up with an even longer run this Sunday.


  • Workout:
    • Tabata:
      • Laterla Jumps

Lateral jumps are hard, but I’m trying to get some more high-speed-dynamic stuff into my routine. I started doing jump-squats but the knees just weren’t having it today.

They say it takes 60 days (~2 months) to form good habits. My goal is to get back on the wagon and do something Monday-Friday for working out. Can’t make it to the gym due to school & stuff, so tabatas will have to suffice for now!

2012/06/03 – Run 5k

Weigh-in: None, because it’s the weekend

  • Workout:
    • Run: 5k

Mixed run/jog/walk for 5.93k, took me a bit under an hour. I still can’t do a solid distance without cramping up, which I think is just due to not drinking enough water. I need a new GPS tracker (Forerunner 201 has a cracked screen now) to accurately track my distance and time. Estimated ~6km based on a route I sketched out on Bing Maps.